DonateAgrifutures Australia
AgriFutures Australia (formerly known as Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) are an organisation that proudly focuses on the future of Australian agriculture. We live and work in the regions and represent the interests and aspirations of farmers and rural communities.
Our vision is to grow the long-term prosperity of Australian rural industries. In practical terms, this means:
- Initiatives that attract capable people into careers in agriculture, build the capability of future rural leaders, and support change makers and thought leaders
- Research and analysis to understand and address important issues on the horizon for Australian agriculture
- Research and development for established industries that do not have their own Research & Development Corporation (RDC), including the rice, chicken meat, honey bee and pollination, thoroughbred horse, pasture seeds, export fodder, ginger and tea tree oil industries
- Research and development to accelerate the establishment and expansion of new rural industries, such as deer, buffalo, kangaroo and camel milk.
Cotton Australia
Cotton Australia is the peak body for Australia’s cotton growers, representing up to 1,500 cotton farms mainly in New South Wales and Queensland, but also in northern Victoria. Cotton Australia works with growers and stakeholders to ensure the Australian cotton industry remains viable, valued and advanced.
Royal Flying Doctor Service
Medical services needed by people living in rural and remote areas of Australia are no different to services required in our large cities, but the vast distances that small rural populations have to overcome to access health services, provide a real challenge. The Royal Flying Doctor Service works to assist country Australians in many ways.
With a waiting room of 7.69 million square kilometres, the RFDS provides 24-hour aeromedical emergency services that can reach anywhere, no matter how remote, within hours. Combined with telehealth consultations, fly-in fly-out GP and Nurse clinics, mobile dental services, patient transfers, and a myriad of other health services, the RFDS is constantly working to see that those living in rural and remote areas can enjoy the same health outcomes as those living in city areas.
James Cook University - College of Public Health, Medical & Vet Sciences
CPHMVS promotes, fosters, supports and administers quality teaching, research and research translation across the disciplinary areas of aeromedical retrieval, animal science, biochemistry, bioengineering, biomedicine, biosecurity, cell biology, communicable diseases and their control, disaster preparedness and response, human physiology, genomics, global health, health systems and policies, immunology, indigenous health, injury prevention, medical entomology, medical laboratory sciences, microbiology, molecular biology, One Health, parasitology, public health, virology, travel medicine, tropical medicine, veterinary science.
The College has key external advisory groups for each of its disciplines, whose members provide advice on the key requirements for working in these industries now, future directions for graduates and emerging themes for curriculum and research. The CPHMVS academic and professional staff are office holders and advisors on several key industry, state and national government committees, international organisations and editorial committees providing evidence based advice to support understanding the needs of, developing new and improved approaches to and delivering services for the health and well-being of humans and animals globally, especially in under-served, rural and remote settings.
James Cook University - College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences
AgHealth Australia
AgHealth Australia is based at Dubbo in central-west New South Wales. It is an academic unit of the University of Sydney within the Faculty of Medicine and Health and School of Rural Health.
AgHealth has been leading research in relation to injury and deaths on Australian farms for 30 years. AgHealth works with partners such as Farmsafe Australia to ensure the research conducted is turned into practical programs to assist farmers, their workers, families and the rural community. Translation of the research information has led to the development of programs of work that in conjunction with industry and relevant organisations, has contributed to major reductions in the burden of injury and poor health in rural Australia.
National Farmers Federation
The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) is the peak national body representing farmers and, more broadly, agriculture across Australia. It is one of Australia’s foremost and respected advocacy organisations.
NSW Farmers
NSW Farmers is an Association of farmers and stakeholders of the agricultural industry. Our members gather in branches right across NSW to discuss the issues affecting their businesses and to learn about agricultural topics. The grassroot branch structure creates a framework for agricultural knowledge transfer and for identifying the issues that affect farmers at local, state and federal levels.
Victorian Farmers Federation
The Victorian Farmers Federation is an active, powerful lobby group dedicated to the interests of farmers and making a difference to communities. With a strong record of successful political advocacy and leadership, the VFF has generated substantial benefits for the agriculture sector since its formation in 1979.
Primary Producers South Australia
Primary Producers SA’s vision is for a strong and viable primary production sector in South Australia,
which is valued by government and the community.
The purpose of PPSA is to:
- Vigorously represent the interests and concerns of primary producers to government and the community.
- Present one voice to government and the wider community on cross-commodity issues affecting primary producers in South Australia.
- Promote the importance of primary production in South Australia and ensure that the contributions and achievements of primary producers are acknowledged and appreciated.
- Work with and assist stakeholders and suppliers to primary production where such assistance will ultimately benefit primary producers.
PPSA’s members are the commodity organisations of South Australia. Its current members include Grain Producers SA, Livestock SA, Horticulture Coalition of SA, Wine Grape Council of SA and the SA Dairyfarmers’ Association. Each organisation is represented by a councillor on the PPSA Council. The PPSA Council meets once per quarter on cross-commodity issues affecting all sectors.
Primary Producers South Australia
Safe Work Australia
SWA is an Australian government statutory body established in 2008 to develop national policy relating to WHS and workers’ compensation.
They are jointly funded by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments through an Intergovernmental Agreement.
They work in partnership with governments, employers and employees—to drive national policy development on WHS and workers’ compensation matters to:
- develop and evaluate national policy and strategies
- develop and evaluate the model WHS legislative framework
- undertake research, and
- collect, analyse and report data.
Safe Farms WA
Safe Farms WA realise that the safety, health and wellbeing of all of the people who live on, visit and work on farms is the most important responsibility that can be shared by everyone. Ensuring that all employers, employees, contractors and visitors all understand this is vitally important. The board and team at Safe Farms WA are all passionate about the safety, health and wellbeing of everyone in the farming industry.
Safe Farms WA aims to support the farming sector and is collaboratively forming strong partnerships and alliances to ensure and support continuous improvement and education in safety awareness and practices, which will improve farm business performance, efficiency and industry productivity.
Primary Employers Tasmania
Primary Employers Tasmania is the State’s longest established and most highly respected provider of professional, personalised, practical and prompt workplace relations solutions to employers in the agricultural, horticultural and viticultural industries.
Its dedicated employees and Committee have provided a loud and proud voice for farm employers for more than 60 years.
Grain Growers
GrainGrowers is a leading voice for Australian grain farmers, representing their interests at a national and international level.
The Australian Workers’ Union
The Australian Workers' Union (AWU) is one of Australia's largest and oldest trade unions. It traces its origins to unions founded in the pastoral and mining industries in the 1880s and currently has approximately 100,000 members.
AgForce - Advancing Rural Queensland
Advancing sustainable agribusiness AgForce is a peak organisation representing Queensland's rural producers. We exist to ensure the long-term growth, viability, competitiveness and profitability of broadacre industries of cattle, grain, cane, sheep and wool in Queensland.
Bush Heritage Australia
Bush Heritage Australia is an independent not-for-profit that buys and manages land, and also partners with Aboriginal people, to conserve our magnificent landscapes and irreplaceable native species forever.
Northern Territory Cattlemen's Association (NTCA)
The NTCA is the peak primary industry body in the Northern Territory, representing over 90% of the Territory’s pastoral industry, from small family pastoral holdings and Indigenous enterprises to large corporate entities.
The NTCA’s mission is to ‘Advance and protect the interests of cattle producers in the Northern Territory’. NTCA members manage up to 700,000 km2 of the NT landmass and a total herd of over two million head of cattle.
TasFarmers is the peak body representing the interests of Tasmanian farmers at a state and national level. Our mission is to provide a united voice for Tasmanian farmers to ensure the growth, sustainability and profitability of the agriculture industry in Tasmania. This is achieved through a combination of advocacy of policy positions, engagement with our members, collaboration with industry and sector partners, and facilitation of knowledge to improve outcomes.
The Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc) (WAFarmers)
The Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc) (WAFarmers) is the largest and most influential agricultural advocacy group in Western Australia.
WAFarmers represents the voice of farmers throughout Western Australia and is continually working towards a more viable, profitable and sustainable future for the agricultural industry.
As part of this pursuit, WAFarmers develops corporate partnerships with companies who provide a service to WAFarmers Members, which place money directly back into farmers’ pockets.
Founded in 1912, WAFarmers boasts a membership of over 3,500 farmers throughout Western Australia and continues to work directly with farmers on issues related to their on-farm business. The industries represented are Grains, Livestock (sheep and cattle) and Dairy. The role of WAFarmers is to provide Western Australian farmers with the best representation possible and to advocate at state and national levels in order to achieve the best outcome for farmers.
WAFarmers has councils and committees that deal with policy development and advocacy first-hand for each commodity. These councils receive information directly from our members and work together with the respective officer to structure policy submissions to present to government.
In order to best represent the interests of our members, WAFarmers has 17 zones across Western Australia which enables our members to express their views at a local level without having to head to the city.
The Western Australian Farmers Federation (WAFarmers)
Safe Farming Tasmania
The Nation leading Safe Farming Tasmania Program aims to raise the awareness of farm safety issues within Tasmania’s farming communities. It does this through the provision of free and practical Health & Safety advice, guidance, and easy to use and understand resources. Its main goals are to reduce the incidence and severity of farm injuries, encourage and lead positive farm safety conversations, and generally improve the overall safety performance of Tasmania’s rural sector.
Safe Farming Tasmania have a very strong educational focus and attend safety meetings as a guest of organisations to support their efforts in enhancing the safety performance of their business. They share some of their direct experience in dealing with what happens when things go wrong, re-enforcing the importance of working safely, and in general point people in the right direction.
AUSVEG is the prescribed peak industry body (PIB) for the Australian vegetable and potato industries. To help our growers and our industry succeed, we focus on core activities and are guided by values that underpin everything we do.
ifarmwell brings farmers together with mental health and suicide prevention experts, as well as agricultural industry and community groups, to grow farmers’ wellbeing. Our vision is to reduce the negative impact that stressful situations have on the lives of farmers and their supporters, and build agricultural communities and businesses that thrive. We are a not-for-profit entity situated within the University of South Australia. We obtain external funding to deliver educational initiatives, conduct research and advocate on behalf of Australian farmers. To do so, we partner with individuals and organisations across the agricultural, academic, business, health, government and charitable sectors.
ifarmwell - growing farmers' wellbeing
Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers
Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers is the state industry body representing Queensland’s commercial fruit, vegetable, and nut growers.
To us, horticulture is the most vital industry in the world.
We exist to ensure strength in the horticultural industry for generations to come. We provide the voice for horticultural growers in Queensland and are a valued service delivery partner. It is our belief that outcomes can only be achieved with the grower at the centre of what we do.
QFVG operates a dedicated project delivery arm, Growcom. We continually strive to be the provider of choice and to be recognised for our high-quality delivery. Our humanistic approach is that all services must be practical, useful, and relevant to growers.
For more information, please visit our website.
Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers
Australian Forest Products Association
AFPA is the peak national industry body representing the resources, processing, and pulp, paper and bioproduct industries covering the forest products value chain.
AFPA represents all elements of the value chain from the sustainable harvesting of plantations and multiple use natural forest resource including forest establishment and management, harvesting and haulage, processing of timber resources and manufacture of pulp, paper and bioproducts.
AFPA’s membership falls under four chambers (Growers, Hardwood Processing, Softwood Manufacturing, and Pulp, Paper and Bioproducts) representing the core business of organisations at different points in the value chain.
Australian Forest Products Association
Before You Dig Australia
Before You Dig Australia provides the free pre-excavation referral service for the Australian community where those working near underground infrastructure can obtain plans & safety information from underground asset owners without needing to contact utility organisations individually. Using their service before starting any excavation or digging project protects workers, the community and prevents damage & disruption to essential services such as electricity, gas, telecommunications, and water.
Australian Dairy Farmers
Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) is the national industry representative body representing dairy farmers across the six dairying states. We advocate to government and stakeholders for better outcomes for farmers and provide strong leadership and representation for the continued growth of internationally competitive, innovative and sustainable dairy farming in Australia.
Rural Safety & Health Alliance (RSHA)
RSHA is a group of seven Research and Development Corporations that collaboratively invest in R&D to reduce death, injury and illness and enhance health and wellbeing across agricultural industries. Collaborating organisations include Australian Eggs, Australian Pork Limited, Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC), Australian Wool Innovation (AWI), Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and AgriFutures Australia.
Aerial Application Association of Australia (AAAAs)
The Aerial Application Association of Australia (AAAA or the 4As) is the national peak advocacy and membership organisation for aviation companies (known as operators), pilots and support staff who undertake aerial application work.
They operate as a not-for-profit company, overseen by a 13-member Board of Directors, and staffed by a small team in an office in Canberra.
Working closely with members, regulators, industry and the Australian community, they foster and support a sustainable aerial application industry based on the professionalism of operators, pilots and staff, and the pursuit of industry best practice.
Cattle Australia
Representing the interests of all Australian cattle producers, Cattle Australia is the national peak body for the grass-fed cattle industry, providing a visible, unified, and influential voice for producers.
It will provide clear leadership and direction by developing and driving contemporary policy, guiding research, development, and adoption (RD&A) and marketing investment for the sector, and advocating on all matters important to the Australian cattle industry.
Cattle Australia will create business value for Australia’s cattle producers (and subsequently regional communities and economies) in areas where they cannot succeed by working alone. It will ensure grass-fed levies support grass-fed producers and a stronger grass-fed economy.
To represent the interests of all Australian cattle producers, Cattle Australia is the democratic Peak Industry Body tasked with:
- Uniting levy payers
- Engaging with cattle producers and industry stakeholders
- Advocating on all matters important to the Australian cattle industry
- Leading and directing policy development and implementation
- Protecting the profitability, competitiveness and future of the cattle industry